A good example of search engine optimization (SEO) is vapor from our mouths during the cold weather. You can see it, feel its existence but cannot measure or store it. You can figure out the outcomes of SEO but sometimes the targeted site cannot be able to rank on the top. However, nobody wants to rank high initially because a lot of work has to do on the site. The major initial work is keyword research for the website. In this article, I’ll discuss some smart and short techniques to find the best keyword for any site. Let’s get started!
What is keyword
A vital part of SEO is the keyword because a website is ranked on search engines by this. Nevertheless, for online marketing, product ranking, brand promoting, popularity- keyword is essential for everything. Let’s assume you launch a fashion blog or fitness blog. What do you do now? Make this website and wandering? No, you have to write blog articles that are most familiar with the content on it. You cannot write whatever you want if there’s a marketing or ranking issue. To rank higher on search engines, you have to research relevant keywords or topics, write on this topic, and optimize sequentially. Fashion blogs or fitness blogs can be decorated with familiar content, relevant issues, popular categories, etc. For an eCommerce site, product quality, product reviews, and specifications are mandatory. We focus on keywords initially so ignore the other SEO techniques like site speed, backlinks, on-page SEO, or off-page SEO. Besides, keyword research is a technique of off-page SEO. For example, for a fashion blog, you can start with ‘top 5 Denim pants for women’ or ‘usage of honey for better skin tone’. See the major words here- denim, pants, honey, skin. These are called main keywords (MKW) or seed keywords. The subordinates like ‘usage’, ‘top 5’, ‘women’, and ‘tone’ help the main keywords for web crawlers. Streams of words like ‘how to make a face pack with honey & chestnuts’ are called a long-tail keyword (LTK). Long-tail keywords help to rank a webpage during on-page SEO. Conceptually, a keyword is a phrase of words that might be searched or asked by web surfers on search engines. You want to see your site on the top; you must write content or articles searching keywords.
Concepts related to keywords
To work with keywords, you have to know some basic ideas about them. The following post-mortem of a keyword should be aware of every optimizer or keyword researcher.
Keyword frequency
Keyword frequency is the number of used keywords on a webpage or webinar sections. The higher this frequency, the more significance it would carry. However, it should be noted not to use frequently or severely. Every search engine has a certain limit of kw frequency. If it exceeds the limit, search engines count it as spam and make the site underestimated. Usually, for a 1000 words article or content, we suggest using main keywords for 2 times, LTE for a single time, and sub-keywords for 4/5 times. In such calculation, a 2000 words article will use the main kw for 3~5 times and LTE for 2 times. Furthermore, kw frequency depends on article categories and niche.
Keyword prominence
This is a measurement of the distance from the topmost article on a search engine. Usually, those keywords that are the most important ones should be inserted initially in the first page or first phrase of content. It would promote the importance of relevant content to search engines.
Keyword proximity
This feature indicates the adhesion among several keywords. A keyword should always be grouped like a single phrase. It is essential for a user’s search. For example, you can use ‘cordless toys’ instead of ‘cordless toys for kids’. This is important for a search engine because the second phrase is used as a search query on search engines.
Stopping words
Stop words are common words or letters that are neglected or negligible for prominent search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. The list of stop words are- ‘a’, ‘are’, ‘and’, ‘as’, ‘be’, ‘at’, ‘for’, ‘he’, ‘from’, ‘his’, ‘I’, ‘is’, ‘in’, ‘it’, ‘of’, ‘that’, ‘on’, ‘the’, ‘they’, ‘to’, this’, ‘was’. The less you use these stop words, the more search speed and necessity you’ll get. Moreover, it lessens file sizes and site buffering.
Keyword Research Techniques
There are two techniques to find the relevant keyword for a website- manually and online kw generator. Manual searching needs a lot of brainwork or brainstorming, a slow process for newbies or beginners. Online tools are perfect if you use premium tools, otherwise, it isn’t that prolific method. Let’s see how these two techniques work-
Manual Research
Finding the right keywords are a kind of science and a bit of luck. No such short methods or writings in this world exist. No guides can tell you ‘this kw is perfect for you’ or ‘that kw is better for this site’. For more traffic on any website, we have to follow these lists-
· Link building.
· Linking strategy.
· Alt tags.
· Metatags.
· Metadata.
· Social media.
· Backlinks.
· Quality content.
· Image optimization.
· Negative keyword research.
Another common technique is permalinks of content. Sometimes a permalink can load the least traffic on a site. The image optimization technique is a new provision of search engines as well as meta tags. Moreover, Google snippets and Amazon affiliate marketing strategies can boost site traffic quickly.
Tool-based Research
The next step of manual research is tool-based research. In this stage, you have to collect statistics of current keyword value, search volume, competitive analysis, and area-based volume. To do this perfectly, Google analytics can help you out there. For example, Google kw research tool https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal and yahoo search marketing tool http://pixelfast.com/overture can help you find the basic keywords for your site. For Yahoo search engines, you have to register for yahoo search marketing.
Keyword tools are easy to use and at the first sight, it seems like a kw generator. Nevertheless, the more you use this tool or go deep inside, you’ll find fabulous items and classy features. This Google analytics tool not only searches keywords but also shows search volumes, average monthly searches, competitive analysis, and landing page scores. For the best result, we emphasize zero volume or 10-20 volume keywords. The more volume keywords you optimize, the less chance to be ranked because of severe competition.
Keyword Placement on Site Design
Some minor steps to do while placing keywords on-site design. Few spots on a site are certain to place keywords. These are site title, content headings, initial paragraphs, alt text, meta tags, and URL. Every web designers know these spots and use them accordingly hence most sites look familiar and likewise. So, you have to place keywords on some particular spaces where the crawler can surf easily. What are these dark spots on a site? Let’s see.
When you design a website, you’ll find these places in HTML structures. Easy to place anytime and mostly known as meta tags. All designers use these meta tags while coding. Due to this meta tag, a crawler can easily figure out codes and fetch data to search engines. The more meta tags you insert, the smarter site is built. You have to insert meta tags physically inside the site code, excluding alt text. Moreover, it should be placed inside the Head tag as well. Let’s have an example.
<title> web design services Chicago area professional web designer domains hosting seo affordable solutions</title>
<meta name = “description” content = “Welcome to www.xyz.com we offer web design services in Chicago area, professional web designer domains hosting seo affordable solutions”/><meta name = “keywords” content = “web design Chicago, web services Chicago, professional web designer, web domains, web hosting, seo web Chicago, affordable web solutions, web developer, content”/>
Usually, lots of information is kept in a Head tag like heading, color, font, size, style, and css. While placing a keyword, you can ignore these things.
Bottom Line
If you do the mentioned basic strategies on your site, it is desired to be ranked high on search engines, hopefully. Not only this but also these techniques can assist your site to execute Adsense optimized website. Furthermore, it can afford a good number of site visitors as well as your ads. Another recommendation for alt text is shortening. The shorter alt texts, the better rank for images. Soon I’ll discuss more keyword tools and their usage in another article. If you like this article, feel free to share it with friends and social media. Happy searching!